What Foods to Eat - and to Avoid - If You Suffer from Endometriosis

If you’re one of the 200 million women worldwide with endometriosis, you’re likely frustratingly familiar with its signature pain and risk of infertility. Hormonal birth control and other medications can do wonders for the symptoms and side effects of the condition. But, often overlooked is the fact that simple changes to your diet can also go a long way. “With all of the fertility patients that I work with, the most important factor in trying to manage endometriosis symptoms is having a balanced, well-rounded diet -- adding in lots of good-quality protein, organic fruits and veggies, lots of fiber and healthy fats,” says Dara Godfrey, R.D. Godfrey gives the full scoop on the endometriosis diet, including the foods that can help -- and those you should skip or limit if you suffer from the condition.
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